Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Can I bring my own nail polish to the nail salon?

and have them put on the polish of my choice? I like the way that they put on nail polish.Can I bring my own nail polish to the nail salon?
I do all the time and they have no problem whatsoever. One good reason for bringing your own is so that you can touch-up your nails later in the week if they chip. That way I know that the color matches perfectly and I keep my manicure and pedicure for longer. :-)Can I bring my own nail polish to the nail salon?
Yes you can. But there is no discount on the price for bring your own polish.
yes why dooooo went they have much better selection.....
Of course! They all do it. I've been bringing my own polishes for YEARS. :-)
I would bring it just incase. You never know- they may have the exact same color there but in a better polish!
Yes, of course!
Of course you can, I have done it before. I know what colors look good on me, and if I bring in the polish I want myself, I get what I want.
you can try it, i don't see why it would be a problem
SURE I always do.
I don't see why not! After all, you're the one who's paying for the pedi - buying and using a color and brand of your own choice, is..well, your own choice. Just make sure it isn't goopy or old or anything...they might not take you seriously or be very offended.
yes you can..i get my nails done every two weeks and i bring in my own polish all the time...they dont have a problem with it ...
Yes, you can. Just tell them ahead of time when you come in or ask before your next appointment. Most let you do it. They want your money. (smile). Don't want to lose a client over nail polish. They want to keep you as a client. Plus you may tell your friends about them and how they let you use your nail polish. You could get them future customers.
yeah, i think can do that.
i dont see why you would want to bring your own polish, if your gonna spend the money getting them done why not use their polish or just do your nails yourself

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